In the Orange County Register staff writer, Jeff Collins, reports that an Orange County pilot project, ABC Green Home, “may be helping builders find the Holy Grail of green residential development: An affordable way to build the “net zero” home that produces as much power as it consumes.” The focus of the project is to build a net-zero home with existing materials and equipment at an affordable price. A total of six homes are to be built and sold to disabled veterans and their families through Habitat for Humanity. The first home was completed in 2012. Southern California Edison partnered with the developer, paying most of the home’s $300,000 building costs, and students from high school building programs helped with the construction. Two homes are currently under construction and an additional three more homes are slated to be built soon. The pilot has been applauded for helping show the way to meeting the state’s mandated 2020 “net-zero energy” goal. Read More >