2024 WMA Millwork Convention

World Millwork Alliance 2024 Millwork Convention & Tradeshow

The Millwork Industry Gathers in San Antonio
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October 6 – 9, 2024 | San Antonio, TX | Exhibits at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

World Millwork Alliance 2023 Millwork Convention & Tradeshow

EVENT NEWS: World Millwork Alliance 2023 Convention & Tradeshow Heads to Louisville
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October 22 – 25, 2023 | Louisville, KY | Exhibits at the Kentucky International Convention Center

World Millwork Alliance 2023 Millwork Convention & Tradeshow

EVENT NEWS: World Millwork Alliance 2023 Convention & Tradeshow Heads to Louisville
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October 22 – 25, 2023 | Louisville, KY | Exhibits at the Kentucky International Convention Center

Why Attend?

Starting in 1964, The World Millwork Alliance Millwork Convention & Tradeshow has served as the premier gathering for the global millwork industry.

The WMA Millwork Convention & Tradeshow provides a central platform for distributors and manufacturers to establish connections and address the evolving challenges within the industry.

The WMA Millwork Convention & Tradeshow is about offering the total show experience. Attendees can expect to explore innovative products and services, engage in networking opportunities, foster valuable business relationships, and gain fresh insights and knowledge from educational sessions and industry leaders, all aimed at enhancing business growth.

Why Exhibit?

Participating in the WMA Millwork Convention & Tradeshow as an exhibitor offers a unique chance to engage with a targeted audience of millwork industry professionals. Elevate your brand visibility by presenting your products and services on this platform. WMA creates an avenue for you to interact with potential customers, forge meaningful business connections, and contribute to the growth of the industry.


Henry B Gonzalez Conv Center

Who Should Attend the WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow?

The WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow is open to anyone with an interest
in the millwork industry.

  • Wholesale Distributors
  • Millwork & Building Material Suppliers
  • ProDealers
  • Manufacturers
  • Manufacturer Representatives
  • Young Millwork Professionals
  • Company Owners
  • Sales Managers
Invite a Non-Member Distributor, ProDealer, or Millwork Building Materials Supplier who would be a first-time attendee at the WMA Millwork Convention & Tradeshow for Free. Qualifying non-member will be extended a free exhibit hall pass. For more information, contact WMA.

August 7th

Exhibitor Certificate of Insurance due.
Please reference page 6 of the Exhibitor Rules & Regulations on the WMA website.

September 6th

The Freeman warehouse will start accepting exhibitor materials.

October 5th

The Freeman warehouse will no longer accept exhibitor materials.

WMA is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly, maintains the following privacy policy to protect your membership and/or personal data derived from your use of the World Millwork Alliance meeting registration and housing sites. WMA does not disseminate member or meeting registrant information, including but not limited to email addresses or phone and fax numbers, to other organizations.  

From time to time, World Millwork Alliance uses photographs and videos of meeting events in its promotional materials. Unless the permission is revoked in writing to WMA, by virtue of their attendance, all meeting visitors agree to use their likeness in such materials.  


(Registration rates include all WMA program and networking events, due to limited seating, some events may be based on a first-come, first-served basis)

Distributor Members $495.00
Exhibitor Members $395.00
Exhibitor Non-Member $770.00
Manufacturer Member – Not Exhibiting $1,920.00
Manufacturer Rep Member $495.00
Non-Member $2,900.00


Enhance your business profile and elevate brand recognition beyond your exhibit booth space. Expand your company’s competitive advantage by leveraging sponsorships to amplify your presence at the World Millwork Alliance Millwork Convention & Tradeshow.


Being a WMA sponsor conveys a powerful message to organization members and the industry as a whole – your company is now accessible and actively fostering person connections.

Fraudulent companies solicit World Millwork Alliance members claiming to have a past or current attendee list. WMA’s protocol does NOT provide or sell this information to any outside marketing communications companies. It is unknown to WMA how the lists are obtained or what they contain. Do not endorse a purchase from these companies in any way. We strongly suggest you do not engage in these solicitations.
Each year it comes to our attention that unauthorized housing companies contact WMA exhibitors and attendees and identify themselves affiliated with WMA.

WMA has no affiliation with these organizations and in no way endorses their services. Many of these companies are scamming attendees by tacking on undisclosed service charges, failing to make payment for reservations, and other questionable business practices.

Please note that WMA does not provide them with any contact information.

We encourage you to book your accommodations through the official WMA website when you register for the convention.

If you receive a phone call or email from any company travel service inquiring about your housing for the WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow, please do not respond.


“WoodWare Systems has been involved in the World Millwork Alliance for nearly forty years. Our relationship with the association has been incredibly beneficial for our company. We look forward to exhibiting at the WMA Millwork Convention & Tradeshow each year and find great value in participating in their various opportunities of sponsorship at the show. The many relationships WoodWare has developed through our involvement in the WMA has been a major contributor to our company’s growth. We look forward to our continued partnership with the WMA for many years.”

Nick Carter,
President of WoodWare Systems

“ODL Inc. has been a proud and active member of the Worldwide Millwork Alliance for decades. Our partnership with WMA has been instrumental in our growth and success in the millwork industry.

What we value most about WMA is the exceptional people within the organization who foster strong relationships with industry partners and customers. These connections have been crucial in helping us navigate industry challenges and seize new opportunities. The collaborative environment and networking opportunities provided by WMA have allowed us to build lasting partnerships and stay at the forefront of the millwork industry.

We continue to support WMA and highly recommend their organization to any company looking to enhance their industry relationships and drive success.”

Andy Arnsman,
Dir. Of Sales, ODL Inc.

“This year’s WMA convention was another great year of networking, brainstorming, and fun. This year’s roundtable discussion offered me a unique opportunity to get insight from other industry professionals on how their businesses were navigating the current economy.

I am already looking forward to next year’s convention in Texas. Thank you to Rosalie and all the Staff at WMA for putting on yet another great show.”

Berkeley Gillan,
Project Manager at Prehung Doors, LLC.

“Randa Mouldings’ participation in the WMA 2023 Millwork Convention & Tradeshow was enriching. Our company’s inaugural experience at the event was great, providing a meaningful space to showcase the quality and innovation of our products. We forged valuable connections with industry professionals and gained crucial insights. We appreciate the World Millwork Alliance for the opportunity and support. We look forward to contributing even more to the growth of the sector in future editions of the show.”

Guilherme Ranssolin,
CEO at Randa’s

“I would like to thank WMA for their dedicated efforts in organizing this event and trade show. We are very proud of becoming a member of such a well-organized and important organization.

This is our first time exhibiting at WMA tradeshow and it was a really nice opportunity to connect with existing and potential new customers. We are looking forward to 2024 tradeshow in Texas!”

Guilherme Hatschbach,
Sales Director at Madesp Mouldings

“Our recent tradeshow experience at WMA in Louisville was outstanding! The event provided invaluable networking opportunities, showcased cutting-edge innovations, and facilitated meaningful connections with industry leaders. The positive atmosphere and engagement exceeded expectations, making it a resounding success for our team.”

Cassie Fosher,
President, Partner, Executive Recruiter at SnapDragon Associates LLC

“As a first-time attendee to the WMA Conference, I had an amazing experience. The WMA staff went above and beyond to ensure that I felt welcomed and connected. The sheer number of attendees was impressive, and their educational curriculum was curated so that the topics were relevant to addressing the challenges and opportunities that we are facing in today’s economy. Alex Beaulieu from ITR Economics was particularly impressive. I was also invited to attend the Women in Millwork session, and it was wonderful to see the room absolutely packed. We had a lively and meaningful discussion about women in the industry, and the shared stories and thoughts were inspiring. I have been in the industry for many years and have attended many conference and industry events, but what set this conference apart was the unique opportunity that expanded my professional network and opened doors to future collaborations and partnerships; all while embracing me as part of the community quickly.”

Dena Cordova-Jack,
Vice President, Organizational Development at Misura Group

“Our first WMA show participation was in 2016 and from there we keep dedicating our best efforts to contribute with this important show and association. As exhibitor, every year we bring from Brazil our booth structure , door samples and have an special team to present our complete line of pine doors.

World Millwork Alliance provides unlimited networking and opportunities, engaging manufacturers, distributors, reps and services. The education events in that show is a great possibility to understand better the market, meet customers and discuss together the plan to co-operate and keep growing.

Rohden, as a World Millwork Alliance member, keeps embracing this important purpose to strengthen the millwork community.”

Michel Angelo Cembranel,
Commercial at Rohden Doors

“As a new member and first-time attendee to the convention, we had a great experience. Since WMA focuses specifically on the millwork category, our time at the convention was filled with valuable conversations and interactions conducive to our day-to-day business. At larger conventions, these types of interactions are much more difficult to come by. We are looking forward to next year’s gathering in San Antonio.”

Kevin Moody
Shane Hippli
Millwork & Interior Doors at Carter Lumber

“As first-time attendees, we found the convention to be a productive and very informative event. We particularly enjoyed the round table session and the opportunity to discuss common issues faced by all in our industry.”

Dyver Seal,
Vice President at Texas Wood Supply

“WMA Millwork Convention & Tradeshow was a very good and productive show for industry networking like no other. We were very impressed with the caliber of industry leaders that attended. The show was well-organized and offered a variety of networking sessions and exhibits that catered to our interests and needs. We were able to showcase our products and services to a large and relevant audience, generate new leads and contacts, and establish valuable partnerships and collaborations with our current and new partners. We received positive feedback and inquiries from potential customers and partners who were interested in our products.”

Greg Gesicki,
National Sales Manager at FAKRO America, LLC.

“The WMA annual event in Las Vegas proved to be a great experience for all of us at Charles Grey. While we as a company are a new member, we have longstanding relationships in our industry and the WMA annual conference has always provided the best opportunity to network with old friends, new suppliers, and trusted partners. We are thankful to have an event that not only supports but encourages our connections through meetings, seminars, and of course the icebreaker reception. The information that we come away with is unparalleled. We are eagerly awaiting the next event in Indianapolis!”

Brandon Barnes,
Charles Grey, Inc.

“We have already participated in several Shows, but it was the first time we participated in the show like the WMA, organized in a way where all participants are fully interested and focused on doing business.

Expama and Floraplac would like to thank all the WMA organizers and participants of such an important show for our millwork sector.

Thank you very much and see you all at the next show.”

Nevton Almeida,
Expama Exportadora Paragominas

“Thank you to everyone at the WMA that made this convention and tradeshow possible! This was not only our first WMA Convention, but our first event with the WMA as well! The Preparing for Change presentation by Alan Beaulieu of ITR Economics was very informative and proved to be a great insight to where our industry is heading. It was a great experience getting network with other millwork professionals and we are looking forward to walking the floor next year as well.”

Berkeley Gillan,
Prehung Doors, LLC.

“Exhibiting and participating in the yearly WMA Conference is critical to our strategic planning both for our company team and our customers! Rosalie and the WMA Team do an amazing job with this event and it truly shows! The schedule selections, educational sessions and the guest speakers provide a platform for our company to learn and experience best practices & current industry news while still giving us face time with our colleagues. We are proud to be members and look forward to next year!”

Beth Monts De Oca,
Worldwide Door Components, Inc.

“The 2022 Women in Millwork Meet and Greet was my first interaction with this group. I was greatly impressed with the collective experience, skills, and enthusiasm to add value and bring about positive change to our industry. It was a very encouraging and worthwhile experience.”

Vera Clark,
Marketing Communications Sr. Manager at Alliance Door Products

“The Women in Millwork Meet & Greet was an incredible networking opportunity for us! We were able to speak with other women in the industry, hear about their successes and share ideas and thoughts about our unique organizations. Rosalie does a wonderful job at keeping the conversations focused, productive, and insightful- we get a lot out of this meeting for that reason! Can’t wait for this year’s event!”

Cassie Fosher,
President, Partner, Executive Recruiter at SnapDragon Associates

“I always find the Women in Millwork group to be one of the best parts of the annual convention. It provides an opportunity for ladies to collaborate, learn and connect in a professional environment. I always leave inspired and with new personal and professional connections that have proven to be priceless over the years.”

Sarah Scotino,
Regional Millwork Marketing Manager at Boise Cascade Company

“Our Team truly enjoyed attending the Education Session with Joe Theismann at the 2022 WMA Convention! Joe was friendly, refreshing and very entertaining. His program was interesting, and we all related to several of the life lessons he shared with the group! Good choice WMA…”

Beth Monts De Oca,
EVP with Worldwide Door Components

“The Women in Millwork Meet & Greet is a session I always look forward to at the WMA Show. The session was a great opportunity to network and interact with my peers in the industry. It was a comfortable environment for women in the industry to discuss some of our unique challenges, identify opportunities for improvement and discuss ways to collaborate on solutions in the future. I am grateful for this network and look forward to continuing its growth in the future.”

Molly Zuk,
Inside Sales Manager with Endura Products

“My experience with the Women in Millwork group at the 2022 WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow was so incredibly enjoyable! Sitting in a room filled with so many knowledgeable, professional women in a primarily male dominated industry is so refreshing. Sharing best practices and hearing from other women how they broke the glass ceiling is encouraging to the next generation of millwork women! I look forward to having future round-table discussions and learning from each other!”

Beth Monts De Oca,
EVP with Worldwide Door Components

“If you need someone to set a tone and amp up the energy level for your business meeting, then Joe Theismann is your man. For our 2022 fall meeting of the World Millwork Alliance, Joe kicked us off with a series of story based guiding principles that were both personally instructive and good basis for business practice. As our keynote speaker he was entertaining, engaging, inspiring and interesting. Plus, I think he played football, which always draws interest. I would absolutely recommend him for any one of our industry or business events.”

Carl McKenzie,
Chief Commercial Officer with Specialty Building Products

“Thank you for hosting the Women in Millwork at our 2022 Annual Convention & Tradeshow. After a few years of involvement, I feel right at home with the ladies in this group. Our conversations unite us as we recognize the common challenges to our industry traditions and explore opportunities for women to make an impact and advance within our organizations. I look forward to meeting up again in 2023!”

Erin Selfe,
Information Technology with Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company

“There is nothing equal to gathering a group of like-minded women together and per the usual, the WMA Women in Millwork Breakfast did not disappoint. I look forward to it every year.”

“Seeing my female colleagues at the WMA Women In Millwork Breakfast is in my top three must-attend events at the annual convention. Incredible women in this group.”

Holly Bayer,
Sales & Marketing, Bayer Built Woodworks

“The WMA Annual Convention has provided us with opportunities to expand our network in meaningful ways. After each event we leave with a greater understanding of not only the industry but also of our fellow businessmen and businesswomen within it. We receive regular updates from WMA and confidently rely on its sound organization and structure. Undoubtedly, we are grateful to be members.”

Ben Hasegawa,
Benjamin Morgan Doors

“Participation in the WMA is a significant component to maintaining and growing our business across North America.  No other trade association provides the breadth and depth of networking opportunities, updates on market trends, as well as educational sessions.  If you are a consumer or producer of building materials, you do not miss the annual show.  It is one of our favorites each year to promote a diverse offering of Poplar millwork products.”

Michael Thornberry,
Powell Valley Millwork

“We did enjoy the breakfast and getting to know some of the WMA members. The speakers were engaging, and not overly long. What really struck me is that, while many in attendance are in the same business and even competitors, the atmosphere was professionally respectful, and personally cordial. The term “friendly competition” comes to mind. We look forward to a very beneficial relationship with the organization.”

Mike Staryak,
Patwin Plastics

“We enjoyed the opportunity to showcase a new to the market idea at your show. We had the right audience there to get the right kind of feedback from the principles and buyers of several companies. We also attended a couple of your educational seminars which were tailored to today’s challenges and gave great insight to our current marketplace. Finally, the speed networking event gave us one on one time with prospects and partners. Bernie Ferrari was a great ambassador. I had called him several times prior to your show to bounce ideas off him to get our presentation right. Thank you for getting us with the right person!”

Mark Popowski,
Larson Manufacturing Company

“It was a great first experience at the WMA! It is a great opportunity to network and meet with current and potential new customers. Also a great moment to review the plan for next year!”

Felipe Magofke,

“It is apparent the association is committed to serving their members and progressing forward. I truly felt the ‘Connection Matters’ this week and appreciate the courtesy of board members to reach out to us as a supplier/exhibitor to thank us for our support. We look forward to continuing the opportunity to engage in future events.”

Cindi K. Freidhof,
Amesbury Truth

“The New Member & Millennial Benefit Breakfast was perfectly executed. The speakers did a good job and I made some great relationships with the pioneers of the industry. WMA gave us the hook, line and sinker – I can’t wait until the next convention!”

Jeremy Cox,
H-I-S Paint Manufacturing Co, LLC.

“I found the three days very worthwhile. The lectures were informative, the networking meetings useful, and the trade show floor the perfect size and duration.”

Joseph Ruffo,
Renin Corp.


OCTOBER 6-9, 2024

WMA Logo White

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Woodware Systems Logo
Woodware Systems Logo


OCTOBER 6-9, 2024

WMA Logo White


OCTOBER 22-25, 2023

WMA Logo White

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Woodware Systems Logo
Woodware Systems Logo
Woodware Systems Logo
DMSI Software


OCTOBER 16-20, 2022

WMA Logo White

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Woodware Systems Logo
Woodware Systems Logo
Arauco Wood Products Logo
Arauco Wood Products Logo
Meeting of Millwork Minds Graphic

Meeting of Millwork Minds
Make the Connection

Monday, October 17th

  • Preparing for Change
  • Networking Events
  • WMA Think Tank – Gain Insight
  • Keynote Speaker: Joe Theismann
  • Gain Business Knowledge

Who Should Attend the WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow?

The WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow is open to anyone with an interest
in the millwork industry.

  • Wholesale Distributors
  • Millwork & Building Material Suppliers
  • ProDealers
  • Manufacturers
  • Manufacturer Representatives
  • Young Professionals
  • Company Owners
  • Sales Managers
  • Builders
  • Contractors
  • Architects
  • Remodelers

Invite a Non-Member Distributor, ProDealer, or Millwork Building Materials Supplier who would be a first-time attendee at the WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow for Free. Qualifying non-members will be extended a free exhibit hall pass. For more information, contact WMA.

July 15

Registration (Early Bird) Ends

August 24

  • Deadline date for a preregistered attendee to be recognized in the printed WMA Program Guide.
  • Deadline date for an exhibitor and/or purchased sponsorship to be recognized in the printed WMA Program Guide.

August 26
Preregistration Ends. Must register at the WMA registration desk at the Las Vegas Convention Center, South Hall.

WMA is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly, maintains the following privacy policy to protect your membership and/or personal data derived from your use of the World Millwork Alliance meeting registration and housing sites. WMA does not disseminate member or meeting registrant information, including but not limited to email addresses or phone and fax numbers, to other organizations.  

From time to time, World Millwork Alliance uses photographs and videos of meeting events in its promotional materials. Unless the permission is revoked in writing to WMA, by virtue of their attendance, all meeting visitors agree to use their likeness in such materials.  

          (Registration rates include all WMA program, networking, and food and beverage events.)

Members $ 525.00
Exhibitor Non-Member $750.00
WMA Manufacturer Member – Not Exhibiting $1,950.00
Non-Member (Distributor, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Rep) $2,450.00
Industry Professional (Builder, Contractor, Remodeler, Architect) $765.00
*Exhibitor Member Exhibit Hall ONLY $85.00

* EXHIBITORS – Please note, an Exhibit Hall Only registration badge does not include any program, networking, or food and beverage events. Admittance to these events, will require a full badge registration.


Elevate your business profile and brand recognition aside from your exhibit booth space. Broaden your company’s edge by utilizing sponsorships to increase your presence at the World Millwork Alliance Annual Convention & Tradeshow.


When you are a WMA Sponsor, it sends a dynamic message to organization members and the industry-at-large; your company has just become approachable and is making a personal connection.

August 24

    • Deadline date for an exhibitor and/or purchased sponsorships to be recognized in the printed WMA Program Guide

Fraudulent companies solicit World Millwork Alliance members claiming to have a past or current attendee list. WMA’s protocol does NOT provide or sell this information to any outside marketing communications companies. It is unknown to WMA how the lists are obtained or what they contain. Do not endorse a purchase from these companies in any way. We strongly suggest you do not engage in these solicitations.

Each year it comes to our attention that unauthorized housing companies contact WMA exhibitors and attendees and identify themselves affiliated with WMA.

WMA has no affiliation with these organizations and in no way endorses their services. Many of these companies are scamming attendees by tacking on undisclosed service charges, failing to make payment for reservations, and other questionable business practices.

Please note that WMA does not provide them with any contact information.

We encourage you to book your accommodations through the official WMA website when you register for the convention.

If you receive a phone call or email from any company travel service inquiring about your housing for the WMA Annual Convention & Tradeshow, please do not respond.


2023 WMA Kenturky Convention Center