AMD 100 Revision Cycle
A revision cycle for the ANSI/AMD 100-2013 is currently underway and is limited in scope to specific revisions being proposed by WMA’s Industry Standards and Certification Committee (ISCC).   These revisions are now available for public review and comment on the WMA website, and are in strikethrough and underline format.

Comments are due by June 22, 2015 and should be emailed to

If you would like to order a copy of the ANSI/AMD 100-2013, please email your request to

WMA Welcomes New Members:
Cardinal Logistics Management, DK Decorative Technologies, Ltd., Louisville Ladder, Linea Parana Madieras LTDA, MaxCraft Doors Inc., Delaney Hardware, Neuma Doors. Read more about new WMA Members

Gold Plan Exhibit Rates Expire May 31, 2015
Special rates exclusive to WMA Members! Get your exhibit contract to WMA. Read more about Gold Plan Exhibit Rates

Ron Taylor Award (RTA) Nominations Deadline June 5, 2015
Do you know a WMA member who gives freely without reservation, has had a positive effect on others and contributes above and beyond on a personnel and professional level; who is supportive and has been active in the millwork industry and World Millwork Alliance? Nominate this special person for the Ron Taylor Award.

Get a Jump on Annual Convention Sponsorship
WMA Sponsorship is a relationship that connects you in a meaningful way to the millwork industry. It’s a powerful marketing tool to directly reach your target audience and valuable customers. The WMA Sponsorship Program aligns your business with WMA. Find out more about being a Convention Supporter and sponsorship opportunities.

Feature a New Product or Service on the WMA Website
Email product information to Brian Welsh at

WMA Website – Tip of the Week

Start building your millwork connections in the Members Only section of the WMA website by updating your company profile and individual profile in the Members Only section of the WMA website.

Each company primary contact was sent an email invite to update their company’s profile and invite other company personnel to set up their individual profiles. WMA members who have active emails were sent an email invite to set up their individual profile.  If WMA does not have your current email address and you would like to be a part of the “millwork connection”, Contact WMA and provide your contact information.

NEXT WEEK:  Where is the company Member ID Number located and its usage?