

ODL, Inc.: Spotlights Doorglass Offers
Versatility and Customization

ODL, Inc., a leading building products supplier of decorative and clear door glass and entry treatments, has extended the offering of its Spotlights™ Doorglass Designs. The new glass options are giving architects the one-stop shop selection they are looking for in an array of styles that not only match the authenticity of the home but also provide a level of customization, which are becoming increasingly important for homeowners.

Read more at ODL, Inc.


Housing Starts Up 4.8% in June

Housing starts in June came in at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,189,000, up 4.8% from the revised May estimate of 1,135,000 but 2.0% below the June 2015 rate of 1,213,000, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday.

Read more at BUILDER

Why Is the Labor Force Participation Rate Declining?

There has been no shortage of discussion around the declining US labor force participation rate. After its peak of 67.3 percent in the early months of 2000, the rate declined steadily until the mid-2000s, then plummeted when the US Financial Crisis hit. As of June 2016, the rate stood at 62.7 percent of the civilian, non-institutionalized population.

Read more at NAHB Eye On Housing

Senate Approves Bill to Reform Affordable
Housing Programs

Last week, the Senate passed the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016, a bill that includes many bipartisan fixes to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development programs that are supported by the National Association of Home Builders.

Read more at DWM

Builder Confidence Holds Firm in July

Builder confidence in the market for newly built, single-family homes in July fell one point to 59 from a June reading of 60 on the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI).

For the past six months, builder confidence has remained in a relatively narrow positive range that is consistent with the ongoing gradual housing recovery. However, home building growth is being held back in some markets due to tight conditions for lots and labor, as well as rising regulatory costs.

Read more at NAHB Eye On Housing

Comfort Zoning

Time, not money, is sometimes the barrier to new-home development and construction at more affordable prices.

Read more at BUILDER

A Key Part of OSHA’s New Reporting Rule
Will Be Delayed

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced this week that it’s delaying enforcement of anti-retaliation provisions in its controversial new injury and illness tracking rule, which requires companies to make all their injury and illness data public. Originally scheduled to begin on August 10, enforcement has been pushed back to November 1. The reporting provisions of the rule will still take effect on January 1, 2017.

Read more at DWM

Millennials with student debt not interested
in buying homes

Despite the uncertainties caused by the U.K.’s decision to leave the European Union and rapidly rising home prices, many surveyed households still believe now is a good time to buy a home. The one demographic that doesn’t agree? Millennials.

Read more at HOUSINGWIRE

OSHA delays effective date for enforcing employees’ rights to report workplace injuries, illnesses – WASHINGTON

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is delaying enforcement of the anti-retaliation provisions in its new injury and illness tracking rule to conduct additional outreach and provide educational materials and guidance for employers. Originally scheduled to begin Aug. 10, 2016, enforcement will now begin Nov. 1, 2016.

Read More at OSHA

Bill introduced to Phase in New Overtime Rule

There’s a recent article in DWM Magazine about a bill that was recently introduced by Rep. Kurt Schrader, D-Oregon, that could help small businesses comply to the U.S. Department of Labor’s “recent doubling of the overtime pay threshold.”  The bill is seeking to phase in the increases over three years as well as remove a provision requiring wage increases to be reflective of inflation.  The new overtime rule doubles the current overtime salary limit of $23,660 to $47,476 starting Dec. 1, 2016.

Read More in DWM


Musical Instrument Museum (MIM)
Wednesday, October 12th
10:30 am – 3:00 pm

The Musical Instrument Museum, rated the #1 attraction in Phoenix provides a unique experience. Unlike any museum in the world, MIM showcases music and cultures from every country through engaging and interactive exhibits. Using state-of-the-art audio and video, you will be entertained, engaged, and inspired by the creative spirit of people as they play their instruments

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about the WMA Spouse Program and the 2016 Annual Convention

